Saturday, July 1, 2023

Twitter Implodes!

 Twitter is making like the Oceangate sub and crumbling in the deep end. 

I see a lot of people encouraging using blogs and personal websites more than ever and I could not agree more! I'll try and use this weekly. I'll post pretty much whatever I feel like, and I can do it without character limits and shadow bans!

However, I am on other websites and I'll link them here! (Will add more as I make them)



In any case. Stay sane, and stay safe

Saturday, May 27, 2023

FurAffinity's New Rules

 FA's new rule system is soooo shady af. I'm thinking of just bouncing and moving to New Grounds and Inkblot.

Monday, May 22, 2023

Camera update!

 Good news. It all works.

So here is what I tried

iLink cable: Doesn't work. No matter what adapters I try

A/V capture card?: Works like a charm. There is some issues with transferring 8mm tape to digital using a Digital8 camera but it works. Bought some Hi8 and Digital 8 tapes to play with. Probably gonna use it for conventions or something. 

X3 so happy it works!

Friday, May 19, 2023

Bought a new (old) camcorder!

I don't have a photo to share of it, YET, but it works!
Its a Digita 8 Sony handycam from 1999. The "TRV-103"

I bought it because my mother has a lot of old 8MM tapes and so I figured it would be easy to capture it onto a PC using the iLink firewire port. The camera works, holds about a 2 hour charge (maybe more but I dont use it for that long). The amount of time changes randomly but it works for about 2 hours. I'm def gonna use it for something more than just digitizing tapes, but I think I'd be more nervous taking this thing outside instead of my actual modern expensive camera. 

Pic of the camera I got off Google.

Thursday, May 11, 2023

Ranting about video cameras

 Okay. Here's something I don't get

Why are people so against camcorders?

Okay, so you'd rather spend $5000 to get 4K 120 fps even though most people don't even use 4K monitors and it's gonna cost more for memory storage, its gonna slow down your PC. Like most people don't have PCs that could edit a 4K file so why fucking bother? 

I LOVE camcorders from the 2000s and mid 2010s. I still remember going to Best Buy as a kid to get games for my brother's birthday and walking by the video camera section. What I was more focused on was the Canon or Sony brands that had a Youtube logo sticker on them. Not sure if it was some kind of sponsor deal but I guess they marketed them as "Internet content creator cameras" which they did pretty good at. 

1080p 60fps. Felt nice to hold, and it just works. 

I know phones have better cameras, but come on man most good camera phones are expensive and most people don't have those phones anyway. I think if anything phone cameras make peoples' lives suck ass. 

In Japan by law you have to make it so your phone or any camera makes an audible shutter sound when taking photos. That makes sense, but also with phones, everyone has a camera and they can just record and upload to the internet. I think modern camera phones create a sense of anxiety and it sucks dick. 

One of the best reasons for a camcorders is because not everyone wants to carry one, they can be situational, but also if someone is using a camcorder in public it becomes noticeable REAL fast. You'd see someone with a video camera and go "Oh yeah someone's recording". However if smart phones who TF knows if your picture is being taken or someone is recording you and you'd never know. Not trying to spark paranoia, but fuck man that's a very real issue. 

 Hell. I think modern smart phones and social media are what inspired cringe culture. We're all too scared to do anything, let alone do ANYTHING in public out of fear someone will record it and post it online to mock us. A video camera, someone would have to choose to take out with them, it requires a charged battery, it requires someone open it and turn it on and push record, it requires its own storage, you have to go home and plug it into the PC to transfer the footage. Yeah, so if you don't have a computer you probably have no reason to have a camcorder. Again, lowers the amount of cameras out in the open.

 Technology is cool, but man sometimes it REALLY fucking bites.